About the Engineering Department
The Engineering Department deals with a wide range of activities. Our main function is to assist and protect the public by reviewing development applications and monitoring construction for compliance with township codes and conditions of approval. We also work on township improvement projects, investigate and respond to a wide variety of questions and concerns such as construction, drainage, property surveys, street light outages, traffic, utilities, etc.
The Engineering Department provides technical, engineering, surveying and hands on support on capital improvement projects ranging from concept development through engineering design, project management and construction inspections as authorized and funded by the Township Committee. The capital improvements may be storm sewers, roadways, sidewalks, curbs extensions and recreational facilities or rehabilitations and reconstructions of existing infrastructures. This department will then prepare plans and specifications or create request for proposals (RFPs) for professional surveying and engineering services depending on the size of the project. This department receives and reviews public bids and provides recommendation to the Committee to award contracts. The engineering office also applies and secures grants from NJDOT, NJDEP and BPU to supplement funds allocated by the Township for capital projects. This department oversees well monitoring at the abandoned Township landfill and files quarterly report with NJDEP and oversee and assist the Township LSRP with the environmental site remediation/cleanup at the police station. This department in conjunction with the department of public works ensure that all stormwater regulations are implemented in accordance with State laws and files an annual report to NJDEP.
The Engineering Department serves as the Planning Board and Board of Adjustment Engineering Expert. This department reviews all development applications before the Boards and provides inspection services on approved development projects to ensure compliance with Board approvals. It reviews and approves all metes and bounds descriptions easement and right-of-ways dedicated to the Township prior to recording with County Clerk. It reviews requests and makes recommendation to the governing body for performance and maintenance guarantee releases. Engineering office witness all stormwater infiltration testing and reviews all septic permeability test reports. This department conducted approximately 1,635 reviews and inspections from July 2013 to June 2014.
The department reviews and updates the Official Township Tax Assessment Maps, as well as the Township Street Map. This office represents the Township as required in matters dealing with neighboring towns, county, state agencies and utility companies. The department is also responsible for regulating and inspecting activities occurring within the public right-of-way, and issues street opening and driveways permits. Approximately 60 permits were issued between July 2013 and June 2014. This office also helps residents reporting street light outages to the utilities companies.
Rakesh R. Darji, P.E., C.M.E., C.F.M., P.P.
Township Engineer
John Tully
Supervisor of Engineering & Information Technology
908-806-6100 ext. 2253
Patrick Fatton
Senior Engineering Assistant - Township Surveyor
908-806-6100 ext. 2254
Dawn Baker
Administrative Support
908-806-6100 ext. 2251